Beyond “Unprecedented”: The Post-Pandemic Economy
In Columbia Law School’s new podcast, hosted by Professor Eric Talley, hear from leading experts as they chart a course for economic recovery in the wake of the pandemic and suggest new ways of approaching law, policy, and governance.

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In April, seemingly overnight, the U.S. unemployment rate spiked by more than 10 points to 14.7 percent—a level this country hadn’t experienced since the Great Depression. The pandemic shocked the global economy, sparking a crisis at every level. The word that we turned to as a descriptor? “Unprecedented.” But what does “unprecedented” really mean in a world economy so fundamentally altered?
Join host Eric Talley, Isidor and Seville Sulzbacher Professor of Law and co-director of the Millstein Center for Global Markets and Corporate Ownership, as he and his colleagues explore the challenges facing small businesses, essential workers, corporate boards, and financial institutions, and discuss the solutions needed to move beyond these unprecedented times.