Found 23 courses.
Advanced Family Defense Clinic
L9708 / Upperclass / Clinic / Constitutional Law, Family Law, LawyeringAdvanced Family Law: Pre-Nups, Property Distribution, and Alimony in Divorce
L6581 / Upperclass / Lecture / Family Law, Gender and Sexuality LawCivil Rights
L6214 / Upperclass / Lecture / Constitutional Law, Gender and Sexuality Law, Racial, Economic, and Social JusticeEx. Domestic Violence Prosecution
L6607 / Upperclass / Externship / Clinics, Externships, and Experiential Learning, Criminal Law and Procedure, Gender and Sexuality Law, Human Rights, Racial, Economic, and Social JusticeSchool Year & Semester
Fall 2023
2Ex. Domestic Violence Prosecution - Fieldwork
L6607 / Upperclass / Externship / Clinics, Externships, and Experiential Learning, Criminal Law and Procedure, Gender and Sexuality Law, Human Rights, Racial, Economic, and Social JusticeSchool Year & Semester
Fall 2023
2Family Defense Clinic
L9208 / Upperclass / Clinic / Administrative Law and Public Policy, Constitutional Law, Family Law, Lawyering, Legal Profession and Professional Responsibility, Racial, Economic, and Social JusticeFamily Defense Clinic - Project Work
L9208 / Upperclass / Clinic / Administrative Law and Public Policy, Constitutional Law, Family Law, Lawyering, Legal Profession and Professional Responsibility, Racial, Economic, and Social JusticeFamily Law
L6252 / Upperclass / Lecture / Family Law, Gender and Sexuality Law, Racial, Economic, and Social JusticeGender Justice
L6506 / Upperclass / Lecture / Gender and Sexuality LawLegal Methods II: Critical Race Methods: Practices, Prisms, and Problems
L6130 / Foundation / Lecture / Constitutional Law, Gender and Sexuality Law, Interdisciplinary Legal Studies, Legal History and Law and Philosophy, Racial, Economic, and Social JusticeMeanings of Motherhood: Legal and Historical Perspectives
L6508 / Upperclass / Lecture / Family Law, Gender and Sexuality Law, Legal History and Law and PhilosophyS. Access to Justice: Current Issues and Challenges
L8293 / Upperclass / Seminar / Criminal Law and Procedure, Family Law, Gender and Sexuality Law, Legal Profession and Professional Responsibility, Racial, Economic, and Social JusticeSchool Year & Semester
Fall 2023