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Faculty in the Media

“Rapid advances in the technology and economics of clean energy have created a momentum that can be slowed but not stopped. States can adopt their own stronger standards despite what happens in Washington, with a few exceptions, and can use their procurement power and their pension funds’ investment clout to effect change.”

In the Media

In The Media

To Protect Transgender Rights in the Future, We Must Look to the Past

  • Kate Redburn
| Los Angeles Times
In The Media

Stop Worshiping the American Tech Giants

  • Lina Khan
| The New York Times
In The Media

Meta Said to Explore Incorporating in a Different State

  • Eric Talley
| The New York Times
In The Media

The New Washington Consensus

  • Katharina Pistor
| Project Syndicate
In The Media

Hidden History of Eurodollars, Part 1: Cold War Origin

  • Lev Menand
| Odd Lots | Bloomberg
In The Media

Trump’s Economy Looks Like Command Capitaalism

  • Timothy Wu
| The New York Times

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