1L Roadmap

A month-by-month snapshot of many of the key things to know and do during 1L year. Current 1Ls can also access a comprehensive, CLS Connect checklist that contains these and other important items in detail.


  • Attend orientation events. 


  • Focus on your Legal Methods and Legal Practice Workshop (LPW) studies. 
  • Consider forming a peer study group.
  • Meet with your academic adviser.

Careers and Professional Development

Student Life

  • Participate in student organization orientation events. 


  • Attend information sessions on various opportunities, such as moot court, international opportunities/global education/study abroad, and dual degree programs.
  • Attend programming related to your academic progress/success.
  • Meet with your academic adviser in Student Services to discuss your classroom experience or any questions you have about study skills.

Careers and Professional Development

Student Life

  • Attend programs about adjusting to law school, self-care, and other health and wellness programming.
  • Continue to participate in student organization orientation events including the Block Party.
  • Attend Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion events.


  • Beginning in October, you have the opportunity to sign up for an academic coach for one of your foundation law classes.
  • Use the  CLS Writing Center for additional help with legal research and writing. 
  • Prepare for your midterm exams.
  • Learn about your options for your January Legal Methods II course and your spring elective.

Careers and Professional Development

  • Learn about and register for summer funding: applicable to students working in unpaid public interest or public service (including judicial) internships.
  • Finalize your job search application materials in the necessary CLS format. 
  • Research 1L summer job opportunities and meet with your career advisers.
  • Begin applying for 1L summer internships in public interest, government, and/or judicial internships and continue to attend career-related programs.

Student Life


  • Prepare for fall exams and attend programming related to academic success.
  • Pre-register for spring courses. 

Careers and Professional Development

  • Complete the required checklist to participate in Columbia Summer Funding (CSF) and/or the Human Rights Internship Program (HRIP).
  • Attend the Private Sector Diversity Expo and the OJC Summer Judicial Internship Diversity Program Open House: an opportunity for students to learn about individual employer initiatives to enhance and sustain a diverse working environment.
  • Begin applying for 1L summer jobs in the private sector.
  • Attend OPSC’s Preparing for Your Law Firm Interviews.
  • Register and apply for interviews at the February Public Interest Legal Career (PILC) Fair at NYU.

Student Life


  • Focus on your exams. Meet with your academic adviser, professors, and teaching assistants as needed regarding exam prep.

Careers and Professional Development

  • Continue applying for summer positions through job postings on Symplicity, the Public Interest Legal Career (PILC) Fair at NYU, fellowship programs, and other sources. 
  • Register for and participate in the Practice Interview Program hosted by OPSC. 
  • Network with employers in your hometown by attending events during the winter break.

Student Life

  • Take advantage of academic counseling hours and check out other Law School- and university-sponsored wellness programs.


  • Prepare for the spring semester by looking over your class and exam schedule.
  • Connect with your fall term professors for feedback on exams/coursework.
  • Continue to build your skills by attending programs on learning from the fall term, getting to know faculty, and more.
  • Begin thinking about 2L clinicsexternships, or other experiential learning.

Careers and Professional Development

  • Attend OJC’s Clerkships 101 Signature Program during the J-Term.
  • Continue to research summer job opportunities, apply for jobs (and follow up on applications already submitted), and meet with your advisers in the PI/PS Office, OPSC, and OJC to discuss your progress. Update any prior submitted applications with your 1L fall transcripts.
  • Continue to attend career-related programming, such as the Law Firm Networking Night, Networking Workshop, Careers in Law Teaching workshops, and the Planning and Financing Your Public Interest Career series.
  • Register for and participate in the practice interview programs.
  • Participate in the Spring On-Campus Interview (OCI) program for 1Ls (for public interest and private sector).
  • Review your Spring CSF Checklist and complete the requirements to remain eligible to receive Columbia Summer Funding. (You can opt-out later, but you cannot receive funding if you miss important program deadlines.)
  • If you are participating in the Human Rights Internship Program (HRIP), attend the opening event.


  • Attend Curricular Practical Training (CPT) Information Session (for international students).
  • Apply for international dual degree programs (for your entire 3L year abroad, but need to apply as a 1L). Apply for a semester abroad or the Paris Global Alliance programs during your 2L spring semester.
  • Attend the 1L Experiential Learning Lunch to learn about taking a clinic, externship, or other experiential opportunity in the 2L academic year.
  • Consider Research Assistant (RA) and Teaching Fellow (TF) positions during your 1L summer and/or 2L year.

Careers and Professional Development

  • Attend the Public Interest Legal Career (PILC) Fair to interview and table talk with potential 1L summer employers.
  • Continue to research summer job opportunities, apply for jobs (and follow up on applications already submitted), and meet with your advisers in the PI/PS Office, OPSC, and OJC to discuss your progress.
  • Attend individual firm receptions to learn about the Summer Recruiting Program (EAP/SIP) employers.
  • Continue to attend career-related programming such as the PI/PS office’s small dinners with practitioners, OJC’s Judicial Speaker Series, and OPSC workshops and information sessions.
  • Attend the Columbia Summer Funding Mandatory Payment Session. This is required for all students participating in CSF.
  • If you are participating in the Human Rights Internship Program (HRIP), attend weekly trainings.
  • Attend a Bar Application Information Session.

Student Life


  • Attend the Experiential Information Fair and apply for 2L academic year clinics, externships and other experiential learning opportunities that will satisfy the experiential credit requirement
  • Attend Student Service panels to start learning about the Law School’s writing requirements, what journal work entails, and why joining a journal might be right for you.

Careers and Professional Development

  • Continue to attend programming related to your career interests. This includes: weekly Careers in Law Teaching workshops, public interest small dinners with practitioners, and other programming offered by the PI/PS Office, OJC, and OPSC. 
  • If you are pursuing private sector work and/or plan to participate in 2L SIP/EAP, register for and attend the planning and orientation programs.
  • If you are participating in the Columbia Summer Funding Program, apply for additional summer funding opportunities and consult the Additional Summer Funding checklist

Student Life


  • Attend the information session to learn about becoming a moot court student editor and teaching fellow in the Moot Court/LPW program.
  • Attend programs on note writing.
  • Look out for correspondence from Registration Services regarding fall pre-registration.

Careers and Professional Development

  • Attend 1L summer internship preparatory programs on how to succeed, professionalism, ethics, and resilience to prepare for your summer internship.
  • Report your 1L summer employment information to the career offices. 

Student Life


  • Focus on your exams.

Careers and Professional Development

Student Life

  • Apply on LawNet to become a moot court student editor and LPW teaching fellow for your 2L year. 


  • Start brainstorming possible note topics and faculty note supervisors. 
  • Continue to think about how you might explore experiential learning opportunities as a 2L.
  • Explore opportunities for RA and TF positions during your 1L summer or 2L year by reaching out to professors in whose classes you excelled during your first two semesters.
  • Pre-register for fall classes and meet with your various advisers as needed as you plan your schedule.

Careers and Professional Development

  • If you are participating in OPSC's EAP/SIP, update your application materials, meet with your OPSC adviser, and prepare your bid list.
  • Keep an eye out for emails about deadlines for Fall On-Campus Interviews (OCI).
  • Complete an employment evaluation for your 1L summer position on Symplicity.
  • Get a writing sample for clerkships. If you are considering applying for post-graduate judicial clerkships after 2L year, obtaining a writing sample from a summer internship (and ensuring that you have permission to use it) will be helpful moving forward. 
  • If you participated in the Columbia Summer Funding Program and continued to work after your funding ended, consider submitting unpaid hours towards your pro bono requirement.

Student Life

  • Participate in the Columbia Law Review’s Write-On competition.
  • Apply to journals through the regular journal application process.
  • Start thinking about doing pro bono in the fall and exploring different projects.
  • Consider joining a new student organization.

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