Office of Private Sector Careers

Columbia Law’s Office of Private Sector Careers (OPSC) helps students and alumni explore career paths with top law firms and businesses around the world—from global and boutique firms to multinational corporations and Silicon Valley startups. Learn more about careers in the private sector by visiting the Private Sector Careers page.

Information for Private Sector Employers: posting job opportunities, interview programs, networking events, and employment policies.

Department Services

The Office of Private Sector Careers helps students and alumni explore opportunities in the private sector. We advise students and alumni, provide career-related resources, and host career exploration, professional development, and recruitment programs. 

  • Identify

    the kind of law practice that is right for you, given your interests, personalities, talents and other qualifications

  • Determine

    the environment in which you will best thrive as a practicing attorney

  • Introduce

    you to the hundreds of employers who actively recruit on campus

  • Prepare

    you to interview and find meaningful work as a lawyer

  • Train

    you to successfully navigate the professional work environment

  • Ready

    you to lead as a member of a team of professional service providers

  • Help

    you meet and form relationships with our distinguished alumni

  • Career Advising

    Our career advisors are available for virtual or in-person meetings. Book an appointment on Symplicity.

Office of Private Sector Careers Team at a Glance

Danielle Schweiloch Photo

Danielle Schweiloch

  • Assistant Dean, Office of Private Sector Careers
Nancy Merriman

Nancy Merriman

  • Director of Recruiting and Professional Development
Jae Bang

Jae Bang

  • Assistant Director of Career Advising
Henry Richter Headshot

Harry Richter

  • Program Coordinator for Private Sector Recruitment
Jen Leibowitz

Jennifer Torres

  • Assistant Director of Recruiting

Remote Counselors & Consultants

Shary Peguero

  • Career Counselor

Jay Rhoderick

  • Communications Consultant and Interview Coach

Upcoming Events