The Columbia Law School website is built in Drupal 8. Our website features different page types—general pages (pages 23 to 32 in the PowerPoint deck), program pages (pages 33 to 39), process (pages 40 to 45) pages, faculty profiles (pages 50 to 58), and department pages (pages 59 to 67)—and components that pull in different types of content based on tagging. (See annotated pages throughout the deck for descriptions available for each page type.)
Logging in
Please use with your UNI.
As a web editor, you will only have access to edit and add content to the sections of the website you’re responsible for.
You can now navigate to the section of the website you are responsible for editing.
Once you are logged in, you will know that you can edit your content because there will be an edit button at the bottom of the screen when you are on your content pages.
Web Editing Policies
Each core section of the website must have a dedicated web editor. The owner (or owning unit or organization) is responsible for designating a web editor.
Web editors are responsible for maintaining their designated department’s, center’s, or program’s microsite.
Web editing includes:
editing existing content
adding new content
creating new pages
updating menus and navigational elements
formatting and uploading images
uploading files
entering calendar events on
updating faculty bios on
Keeping your site’s written and visual content consistent with our style guidelines and accessibility standards
See Columbia Law School’s Editorial Style Guide for more about writing for the website.
Consider requiring a UNI to limit public access to certain pages. Any page on the Law School’s website can be protected to limit access only to users with a Columbia UNI. Please reach out to the web team if you’d like to discuss whether using this function is appropriate for specific pages.
Assess what tool, website, or platform is best for the information you’re publishing. For example, PDFs and other files uploaded to our website are publicly accessible and indexed on search engines like Google; they can be difficult to remove. If your file, webpage, or other content is intended for a limited audience and/or will be out-of-date in weeks or months, you may wish to distribute it via another method (CampusGroups, the events calendar, email, etc.).
When listing contact information, refer people to a departmental or group email address when possible. Using email aliases or shared inboxes in lieu of personal email addresses can help safeguard the digital identity of your team while ensuring the availability of your team’s contact information.
Be mindful that content on the Law School website may be archived or saved by other users or websites before the content is changed or deleted. Assess whether the information you’re publishing is sensitive or temporary, and consider whether it should be publicly available, even for a limited time.
As has always been the case, personally identifiable information should not be published on the Law School’s website. Personally identifiable information (PII) is any information that can be used to distinguish or trace a person’s identity. Examples of PII include, but are not limited to, Social Security numbers, home addresses, and/or information about physical or mental health conditions.
Please reach out to the Web Team if you’d like to discuss any of these guidelines or if you have questions about using UNI protecting CampusGroups, or any tools mentioned above.