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CLS Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Association

The CLS ESG Association aims to bring together future leaders at Columbia Law School who are dedicated to promoting environment, social, and governance (ESG) principles. The organization will also connect with prominent leaders in the field, which will contribute to students’ academic and legal professional development  while also fostering sustainability awareness among Columbia Law School students.

Contact: Mubashshir Sarshar [email protected]

Columbia Antitrust Law and Economics Association (CALEA)

Columbia's Antitrust Law and Economics Association (CALEA) aims to bring together students, faculty and alumni interested in the practice and development of antitrust law, both domestically and globally. It intends to provide members with a strong networking platform and foster opportunities for meaningful interactions with experts and practitioners in this area, by promoting academic and social events, as well as engaging with law firms, business organizations, and governmental and non-governmental agencies.  

Contact: [email protected]

Columbia Emerging Markets Transactions Practice Association (CEMTPA)

The Columbia Emerging Markets Transactions Practice Association (CEMTPA) is driven by three core goals: keeping students informed about the latest regulatory developments in emerging markets, enhancing legal expertise through specialized webinars and workshops, and cultivating a powerful professional network. Our mission is to empower and equip the next generation of corporate and transactional lawyers with the knowledge, skills, and connections essential for thriving in the dynamic landscape of emerging market transactions.

Contact: Camila Colosimo [email protected]

Columbia European Law Association

The Columbia European Law Association provides a vital intellectual and social forum for dialogue and initiatives relating to all aspects of European and comparative law and institutions. It organizes academic, professional and social events, conferences, speaker series, panels and caravans to European agencies, courts, and institutions. CELA also cooperates with other Columbia Law School student organizations on projects of common interest.

Contact: [email protected]

Columbia Health Law Association (CHLA)

The Columbia Health Law Association aims to promote discussion of both public and private health law issues among Columbia Law School students, faculty, and health law practitioners. It covers a broad scope of health law topics, including government regulation of the healthcare industry, public health law, healthcare business and transactions, access to healthcare, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, mental health law, and bioethics.

Contact: [email protected]

Columbia Latin American Business Law Association (CLABLA)

The Columbia Latin American Business Law Association is dedicated to the business activity and projects with impact in Latin America, and the influence of the legal profession, including practitioners and scholars, in shaping and strengthening the business relationships between U.S. companies and Latin America.

Contact: [email protected]

Columbia Law and Entrepreneurship Society (CLES)

The Columbia Law and Entrepreneurship Society (CLES) at Columbia Law School serves as a key resource for students interested in startup and venture capital law. Our mission is to educate members on legal challenges specific to startups, facilitate networking with industry professionals, promote hands-on experience through practical workshops, encourage innovation by highlighting the role of law in supporting entrepreneurship, and support career development with resources and mentorship. By focusing on these areas, CLES builds a vibrant community of future lawyers equipped to excel in the dynamic field of emerging companies and venture capital.

Contact: [email protected]