A Look at Tax Law and Charitable Giving
Columbia Law School Event Scheduled for Nov. 9
Press contact:
James O’Neill 212-854-1584 Cell: 646-596-2935
November 2, 2007 (NEW YORK) – Columbia Law School will host a day of discussions that will probe U.S. tax law as it applies to charitable donations. Featured speakers include Columbia Law School Dean David M. Schizer, an expert on tax policy.
WHAT: ``Taxing Philanthropy,’’ a day of sessions on tax law and charitable giving.
WHEN: Friday, November 9, 2007, 1:45 – 5:30 p.m.
WHERE: Columbia Law School, Jerome Greene Hall, Room 105, 435 W 116 Street, between Amsterdam Ave. and Morningside Drive, New York City. Via subway: #1 train to 116 Street (Broadway)/Columbia University.
David Schizer, Dean of Columbia Law School, will give a presentation titled, ``Subsidizing Charitable Contributions: Incentives, Information and the Private Pursuit of Public Goals.’’ Comments to follow by Alexander Friedman, Gates Foundation, and Edward McCaffery, USC Law School.
Daniel Halperin of Harvard Law School will give a presentation titled, ``Is Income Tax Exemption for Charities Special? The Issue is Investment Income.’’ Comments to follow by Henry Hansmann, Yale Law school, and Catherine Livingston, IRS Assistant Chief Counsel for Tax Exempt and Government Entities.
A panel discussion moderated by Dean Schizer will follow on ``Taxing Philanthropy.’’ Panelists include Alphonse Fletcher Jr., of Fletcher Asset Management; Ellen Futter of the American Museum of Natural History; Peter Harvey of Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler; and H.F. Gerry Lenfest of The Lenfest Group.
The day is sponsored by Columbia Law School's Charles Evans Gerber Transactional Studies Program.
Columbia Law School, founded in 1858, stands at the forefront of legal education and of the law in a global society. Columbia Law School joins traditional strengths in international and comparative law, constitutional law, administrative law, business law and human rights law with pioneering work in the areas of intellectual property, digital technology, sexuality and gender, and criminal law.