Transfer Enrollment Checklist Important Dates

Stay on top of important dates and deadlines to finalize enrollment.

Depending on your enrollment date, you may need to complete some items more immediately. Use this guide to assist with your on-boarding, and for a more comprehensive view of your 2L year, refer to the 2L roadmap.

Your first step: formally enrolling at Columbia Law School.

You cannot complete any checklist items, pre-register for courses, or register for Early Interview Program until you have enrolled.

To secure the space that has been reserved for you in the 2024–2025 Transfer Class, you must submit a $600 nonrefundable deposit.

Online Enrollment Form
Complete the Online Enrollment Form and make a payment by credit card (recommended).

July 15

  • Open enrollment for insurance begins

    All students are required to carry health insurance while enrolled at Columbia University.

    International students are required to carry the University Student insurance policy.

July 18 - July 29 

  • Pre-Registration opens via LawNet at 12:00 p.m. EDT July 18. You must deposit before you pre-register. Pre-registration closes July 29 at 12:00 p.m. EDT. Consult the Pre-Registration Handbook

July 19 - July 29 

July 23

  • Transfer Orientation

August 5-6

  • Journal applicants notified

August 9 - August 20 

  • Final Journal Application Process (Not all journals participate in this process.)
    Applications Period: Friday, August 9 at 10:00 a.m. ET - Tuesday, August 20 at 10:00 a.m. ET
    Applicants Notified: Tuesday, August 20 - Wednesday, August 21

August 14 - September 9

  • Add/Drop Period

September 3

  • First day of full-semester classes for upper-year and LL.M. classes at the Law School. For the First day of full-semester classes for courses at other divisions of the University, see the Columbia Academic Calendar.

September 9

  • Add/Drop Period closes

September 30