Finding time to produce scholarship while working full-time as a lawyer can be a difficult challenge. Law schools increasingly offer one- or two-year fellowships, which give fellows an opportunity to research, write, receive mentoring from senior faculty, and soak up the atmosphere of a law faculty. Some of these fellowships carry teaching obligations, which itself can be a valuable experience and an aid in obtaining a full-time position.
Below is a partial list of available fellowships and Visiting Assistant Professorships (VAPs).
Alabama: Hugo Black Fellowship Program (for Supreme Court clerks)
Berkeley: Empirical International Law Fellowship (in refugee law, antitrust law, state responsibilities in time of crisis, and policy diffusion)
Boston: Visiting Assistant Professor Program
Chicago: Bigelow Fellowship
Chicago-Kent: Visiting Assistant Professor Program
Columbia: Academic Fellows Program, Columbia Fellowship on Climate Change Law
Cornell: Visiting Assistant Professorships
DePaul: Jaharis Faculty Fellow in Health Law and Intellectual Property
Emory: Turner Environmental Law Clinic Fellowship
The Federalist Society: Olin/Searle/Smith Fellows in Law Programs
Florida: Doctor of Juridical Science (S.J.D.) in Taxation, LL.M. Programs (in Comparative Law, Environmental & Land Use Law, International Taxation)
George Washington: Frank H. Marks Intellectual Property Fellowship, Jacob Burns Community Legal Clinics Friedman Fellowships
Georgetown: Women's Law and Public Policy Fellowship, Center for the Constitution Fellowship (fourth from top of page), Additional Fellowships
Harvard: Climenko Fellowship, Petrie-Flom Academic Fellowships (for post-docs in health law, policy, or ethics), The Reginald F. Lewis Fellowships for Law Teaching, Visiting Assistant Professor Program, Additional Fellowships
If/When/How: Lawyering for Reproductive Justice: Reproductive Justice Fellowship Program
Loyola-Chicago: Institute for Consumer Antitrust Studies Research Fellowship
Loyola-New Orleans: Westerfield Fellows Program
Michigan: Michigan Faculty Fellowship (VAP) Program, U of M Society of Fellows Program
North Carolina: The Carolina Postdoctoral Program for Faculty Diversity
NYU: Furman Academic Fellowship Program (for NYU grads), Law and Economics Post-Graduate Fellowship, Lawyering Program, Samuel I. Golieb Fellowship in Legal History, Furman Center, Additional Fellowships
Notre Dame: Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study, Residential Fellows
Princeton: The Program in Law and Public Affairs (LAPA)
Southern Illinois University: SIH/SIU Legal Partnership LLM Fellowship
Stanford: Thomas C. Grey Fellowship for the Legal Research and Writing Program, Hoover Institution Hoover Fellows, Hoover Institution Campbell National Fellows, Postdoctoral Fellowships, Additional Fellowships
Tulane Law School: The Forrester Fellow Program
UCLA: Critical Race Studies Fellowship
The University of Illinois College of Law: Illinois Academic Fellowship Program
University of Pennsylvania: The George Sharswood, Regulation, Quattrone Center Research, Center for Technology, Innovation and Competition Postdoctoral, Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law Fellowships
University of Tennessee College of Law: Visiting Professor Clayton Center of Entrepreneurial Law
University of Texas at Austin: Institute for Historical Studies Residential Fellowships
University of Toronto Faculty of Law: Assistant Professorship - Law
Vermont: Vermont Bar Association The Poverty Law Fellowship
The University of Washington: Visiting Scholars Program
Wisconsin: William H. Hastie Fellowship Program
Yale: Yale Law School Ph.D. Program, Ludwig Clinical Fellowship