Here you will find schedules, instructions, and procedures for final exams at Columbia Law School. Please read the information thoroughly, and if you have any questions or concerns, please email Registration Services at [email protected]. Good luck on your exams!
Once students' individualized exam schedules are published on LawNet, you may locate your exam schedule under the Check Schedule module. Each student has their own exam schedule, and MUST go by what is listed on LawNet.
In Case of Emergency
We care about our students, and we understand that emergencies happen. In the event of sudden illness, accident, or last minute emergencies, please follow these steps:
1. Do not reach out to your instructor. Only rescheduling arrangements made through Registration Services will be honored. Exams are graded anonymously, and you are not to take any action that will compromise your anonymity.
2. Please seek necessary medical or emergency attention.
3. When the visit is complete, please provide documentation. Any excuse granted on grounds of illness is conditioned upon receiving a satisfactory medical note on provider letterhead from the attending physician. It must specify the nature of illness and date to resume exams. Reach out to Registration Services as soon as possible:
a. via phone call at 212-854-2668 or
b. email
5. A member of Registration Services will respond to you 12 hours following the notification of your emergency.
Please contact Registration Services as soon as you can in the event of an emergency. In order to balance your wellbeing with academic integrity, the sooner we learn of your emergency, the easier it will be for us to respond.
To ensure that you perform to the best of your ability in any of your exams, it is critical that you do not attempt an exam if you are unwell.
- Be sure to inform Registration Services or your Proctor that you are unwell PRIOR to the start of any exam.
- Registration Services will create a new exam schedule for you if you are ill and can provide medical documentation.
- Please note that if you start an exam but cannot finish it, Registration Services will not be able to arrange for you to retake it.
USING LAPTOP COMPUTERS for EXAMS: The Law School offers students taking final exams on their own laptop computers through the use of Exam4.
Exam4 is an exam software used to administer all law school exams. You will need to re-download the software each semester in order to access your final exams.
You will type your answers into Exam4 as you would type into any standard word processor. It is the computing equivalent of an exam bluebook.
No later than a week prior to the day of your exam you will need to download the software to your laptop computer. This will allow you troubleshoot any potential issues that you might have using the software on your computer.
Before the Exam
Download the software (per term) by visiting the Exam4 website. Scroll to New York and click on the name of our school (Columbia Law School).
- INSTALL THE EXAM4 SOFTWARE ON YOUR LAPTOP: Detailed general instructions on taking exams are emailed to students before the start of the exam period. You will be provided with the Exam4 download link. Understandably, there will be more variations of notebook computers running the exam software than Extegrity can test. Therefore, it is impossible for Extegrity to predict with certainty if the exam software will work as expected for your specific hardware/software configuration. Extegrity offers technical support through their inquiries page. You are advised to address any technical issues well in advance of your first exam.
- After installing Exam4, you are urged to take as many practice tests as you can to best familiarize yourself with the software before sitting for an exam. Please also test out using different features such as word or character counts. Many of the problems students experience while taking exams can be prevented by taking practice exams on Exam4 and getting comfortable with the software before the exam period. Please, do not use the practice tests to prepare notes that you will need for your exam(s) as you will not be able to print the text document or copy it into a different file.
Detailed general instructions on taking exams are emailed to students before the start of the exam period. It is important that you read the information carefully and follow the directions. Please, also review the general information below. If you have any questions please email Registration Services at [email protected].
PREPARING YOUR LAPTOP BEFORE TAKING AN EXAM: To use your laptop to take an exam, you must complete the following steps:
- VERIFY YOU HAVE INTERNET ACCESS: Although in certain Exam4 modes (Closed & Open Laptop) you will not be connected to the internet, you will need internet access to upload your answer file at the end of the exam. Please visit the CUIT Wireless Network page.
- BRING A POWER CORD FOR YOUR LAPTOP: You will not be able to use your laptop for your examination if you do not have a power cord. You will have to hand write your exam if you do not bring a power cord into the exam room. You cannot share a power cord with anyone in the exam room.
- NO COMPENSATORY TIME will be given to those who experience difficulty and/or delay because they waited until the day of the exam to install the exam software.
EXAMS WILL START ON TIME, so make sure that you have downloaded Exam4 and have taken several practice exams. If you attempt to install the software right before the exam and have difficulty connecting to the Internet, you will not receive technical support. Also, if you begin any exam late, you will not receive compensatory time.
TECHNICAL SUPPORT: The Law School’s IT Helpdesk supports connectivity to the Columbia Law School network only and its staff can help you with some technical problems. However, Extegrity is responsible for all technical support for Exam4 and you are advised to contact Extegrity directly for technical issues with installing and testing Extegrity's Exam4 software on your laptop. Extegrity offers technical support through their inquiries page. You are advised to address any technical issues well in advance of your first exam.