Experiential Learning Enrollment

Enrollment for most experiential learning offerings takes place through a combined application process each spring. This allows students to apply a year in advance for multiple offerings to maximize their learning opportunities. LL.M. and transfer students will have the opportunity to apply in a limited application cycle during the summer.  

The timeline below shows the events to learn about next year's offerings and the deadlines for applications. Students are strongly encouraged to attend one of these events to speak with former students and instructors. The deadline for second round applications for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 is June 28, 2024 at noon. Each application requires answering a series of questions (described below) so please leave yourself sufficient time before the deadline to complete the application.

J.D. students must complete six credits of experiential education to graduate.

This requirement can be fulfilled through various options: Clinics, the D.C. externship, Lawyering for Social Justice (Pro Bono Scholars Program), and the Public Education Policy Seminar and Practicum each fulfill the requirement entirely. 

Other externships typically provide four or five credits, while simulations and policy labs offer a range of credits. For more details, students can refer to the online curriculum guide and look for courses tagged as "experiential" under "additional attributes."

Apply for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 by June 28th Experiential Course Schedules/Credits for 2024-25

Students work at a table in the Lawyer Leadership Clinic

Clinics Offered 2024-2025


Selection Criteria

Each instructor has their own method of selection, but all instructors consider
the strength of the application, the applicant's clearly thought out reasons for
wanting to take the course, and the applicant's previous applications to the

Students may not take an externship and a clinic in the same
semester. Students may not take two externships in the same semester. To
ensure the fullest access to offerings, students generally may not take more than
one clinic in their time at CLS. Students may take multiple externships or policy
labs and may take a clinic and externships in different semesters.

About the Experiential Application

You will be able to apply on Lawnet beginning June 7th . Applications    
will be accepted until June 28th at noon. This is a strict deadline.

You will be able to apply to up to twelve courses per year, ranking your order of    
preference. You will be able to indicate whether you are interested in only Fall    
semester, only Spring semester, or either semester for each course. We will also    
ask you whether you are ultimately interested in a course placement for one    
semester or both semesters.

Before you apply on Lawnet, you should prepare answers to the common    
application questions and prepare a current CV:

1. Why are you interested in taking this course? What do you hope to learn    
and what role will this course play in your future? (3000 characters) 
2. Please describe what you will contribute to the course, including the    
work of the course and your fellow students. (1500 characters).   

3. Please describe any relevant courses or trainings you have or will    
take. (1500 characters)   

4. Describe any relevant past work, experiences, or personal    
background. (1500 characters)  

5. Please describe in detail your fluency in any languages other than English    
(500 characters)    

6. Please indicate if you have applied to this course before and    
which semester(s). (500 characters)  

7. Please list any previous experiential courses (clinics, externships,    
policy labs, simulations) you have taken in the past and the term in which    
you took them. (500 characters)

You will need to paste these responses into each course for which you are    
applying. (We know it’s annoying; please bear with us as we work on a redesign.)

1.  When you paste text into Lawnet, please proofread your entries.    
Sometimes pasting text causes characters to convert in error, and you    
want the instructors to see that you are attentive to details.  

2. Please note that a few courses have additional questions regarding your    
areas of practice interest, prerequisites, or other requirements. These are    
clearly marked on Lawnet.

Experiential Enrollment Timeline

February 26, 2024

Open House for 1Ls


JG 103
March 6, 2024

Experiential Learning & Public Interest Community Coffee Hour


WJW 6th Floor
March 18, 2024

Enrollment Application Opens on Lawnet

March 28, 2024

Big Experiential Fair & Panels


Drapkin Lounge
April 5, 2024

Application Deadline

Noon — Late applications will not be accepted

May 15, 2024

Students Notified of Acceptance Decisions

May 20, 2024

Student Confirmations Due

June 7, 2024

Second round for LL.M. Students and Transfers Begins

June 28, 2024

Application Deadline for Second round for LL.M. Students and Transfers

Noon — Late applications will not be accepted
