World Wide Junior Corporate Scholar Forum 2008
Columbia Law School announces the second writing competition for junior legal scholars, called the World Wide Junior Corporate Scholar Forum. The competition is open to law faculty with less than eight years teaching experience. This year’s competition is open only to papers that explore corporate governance issues of emerging markets, including but not limited to, Brazil, Russia, India, and Greater China (BRIC). There are no restrictions on the country of origin or of the affiliation of the author.
Appropriate paper topics include, but are not limited to—
- Corporate law and governance;
- Securities markets and regulation;
- The regulation of entry and exit of firms;
- Firm financing, including laws and regulations addressing firm finance; and
- Legal borrowing and its impact on firm governance and/or financial market regulation.
We welcome scholars working in a variety of methodologies, including empirical analysis, law and economics, law and sociology, and institutional analysis. We are especially interested in well-designed case studies supported by quantitative or qualitative evidence.
Papers will be chosen by a committee of Columbia Law School faculty. Authors whose papers are selected will be invited to present their work at a conference with senior legal scholars, which will be held in New York on March 7-8, 2008. Columbia Law School will provide economy air fare, hotel accommodations, and conference meals for all invited authors.
ELIGIBILITY: As stated above, submissions will be accepted from legal scholars with less than eight years of teaching experience. Only papers with a focus on emerging markets will be accepted. Comparative analyses that include developed markets should have an analytical focus on emerging markets. Papers with more than one author are accepted, but the authors need to describe in a letter their contributions; the first author (in terms of contribution) must meet the eligibility criteria and he/she alone will be invited to the conference. Only unpublished papers will be considered, although papers may be posted on SSRN, ECGI, or similar working paper series. Authors must be available to participate in the full two-day conference in New York on March 7-8, 2008.
DEADLINE: Submissions must be received in full by September 28, 2007. Authors will be notified of the results of the competition in late November to early December 2007.
SUBMISSIONS: Only full papers will be accepted. Abstracts are not sufficient. Submissions should be made by email attachments in MSWord or pdf. Submissions should include: 1) an abstract of the paper, 2) a full draft of the paper, and 3) the author's curriculum vitae. Acknowledgement of the submission will be sent. If you receive no acknowledgement within two weeks, please resend the submission. Submissions and inquiries should be directed to:
Paulette Roberts
Director of Asian and Comparative Law Programs
Columbia Law School
Tel.: 212-854-0685
Email: [email protected]