Global Consequences of the Iraq War

Global Consequences of the Iraq War

A Three-Part Forum
6:00-8:00pm Room
104-106 Jerome Greene Hall, Columbia Law School
116th & Amsterdam

World Poverty - Wednesday, September 17th

Jeffrey Sachs, Director of The Earth Institute
with comments by Professor Rosalind Morris, Anthropology & Institute for Research on Women and Gender and Professor Richard Parker, Sociomedical Science

Globalization and Its Discontents - Tuesday, September 23th

Professor Joseph Stiglitz, University Professor
with comments by Professor Gayatri Spivak, English & Comparative Literature, and Professor Anders Stephanson, History

Empire - Wednesday, October 1st

Professor Mahmood Mamdani, Anthropology
with comments by Professor Jean Cohen, Political Science, and Professor Partha Chatterjee, Anthropology

