James Cavallaro

James Cavallaro

  • Adjunct Professor of Law

James (Jim) Cavallaro is co-founder and Executive Director of the University Network for Human Rights (www.humanrightsnetwork.org). He teaches courses on human rights law and practice at Wesleyan University, Yale Law School, Berkeley Law School, and UCLA Law School. Prior to co-founding the University Network, he served as a professor of law at Stanford Law School (2011-2019) and a clinical professor of law at Harvard Law School (2002-2011). At both Harvard and Stanford, he established and directed human rights clinics and ran human rights centers. In June 2013, Cavallaro was elected to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. He served as President of that body from 2016-2017.

Cavallaro earned his A.B. from Harvard University and his JD from Berkeley Law School. He also holds a doctorate in human rights and development (Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spain). In 1994, he opened a joint office for Human Rights Watch and the Center for Justice and International Law in Rio de Janeiro and served as director, overseeing research, reporting, and litigation before the Inter-American system’s human rights bodies. In 1999, he founded the Global Justice Center, a leading Brazilian human rights NGO. Cavallaro has authored or co-authored dozens of books, reports, and articles on human rights issues. He is fluent in English, Spanish, and Portuguese and speaks Italian.