By February 15 (or ASAP if admitted later), first-year grant applicants who have been admitted (Class of 2028) must submit complete copies of signed 2023 federal income tax forms (with all schedules, attachments, and W-2 forms) for all persons included on the CSS Profile application.
- If applicants and their families have not completed their 2023 tax returns, you can submit complete 2022 tax returns (via IDOC) by February 15 to be considered for a grant.
- Complete 2023 tax returns must be submitted (again via IDOC) by the end of April to confirm a grant.
- We review tax returns to confirm and make any necessary adjustments to financial aid awards. Therefore, please keep in mind that the late submission of 2023 tax forms will result in late notification of any alterations to your award.
Applicants to the J.D. program do not need to submit tax returns unless they are admitted.
All tax forms must be signed and dated, and all schedules, attachments, and W-2 forms must be submitted. If an applicant/spouse/parent(s) owns a business, complete business returns must also be included, as well as any partnership and/or “S” Corporation returns.