Building Worker Power as Anti Monopoly

May 2024

Building Worker Power as Anti Monopoly: The Next Phase of the Modern Antitrust Agenda

In recent years, federal and state antitrust enforcers have challenged corporate lawbreakers with renewed vigor, while a reinvigorated labor movement has sought to rebuild countervailing power for working people. Popular suspicion of concentrated corporate power, and popular enthusiasm for labor unions as bulwarks against this power, are at historic levels. How might the next phase of the modern antitrust reform agenda reconcile these imperatives? How might reformers fashion a vision of anti-monopoly that challenges the worst forms of corporate power, while also building worker power in the process? How should antitrust enforcers act in solidarity with the modern labor movement, and what legal and policy levers can best be used to further the needs and aspirations of working people today? This event will feature leading experts, advocates, lawmakers and enforcers operating at the nexus of labor and antitrust today, to discuss these and other important questions.

Sponsored by the Columbia Labor Lab and Center for Political Economy, Economic Policy Institute, National Employment Law Project, and Economic Security Project  

Speakers include Sandeep Vaheesan (Open Markets Institute), Brian Callaci (Open Markets Institute), Hiba Hafiz (Boston College), Suresh Naidu (Columbia University), Amanda Lewis (Cuneo, Gilbert, LaDuca LLP), David Seligman (Towards Justice), Josh Bivens (EPI), Laura Padin (NELP)

Event Contact

Michael McParlane

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Problem Solving Drop-In

  • Wed, 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
  • William and June Warren Hall, 1125 Amsterdam Ave., New York, NY 10027 709