Students wearing masks sitting on the library steps, socially distanced

Student Organizations

Bond with your extraordinary classmates in our 85-plus student organizations—ranging from the ACLU to the Columbia Real Estate Law Society, and much more.

Along with our Student Organization Handbook, please email our Director of Operations, Jeffrey Bagares, who is available to assist you with the management of your organization's finances, space, event planning, and law school and university policies about student organization events.

A person wearing a blue blazer, white shirt, and tie

“The breadth of organizations at Columbia Law is really special. ... As someone with a quantitative background, it has been great to find people at CLS who share my passion for data, analytics, and technology in general. It’s fun to explore cutting edge technology and how it might change the legal profession with some of my good friends.”

—Jake Stuebner '25, Board Member Legal Tech Association

Upcoming Events



  • Wed, 12:10 p.m. - 1:10 p.m.
  • Columbia Law School, 435 W. 116 St., New York, NY 10027 104
A student carves a pumpkin.

Want to put your student group's event on the calendar? Fill out the student organizations event form and your event will appear in the Events listing and in the daily and weekly "Today's Events" email. Be sure to submit your event at least 24 hours in advance!